October 2023 - Instruments of Peace


October 2023 - Instruments of Peace

Grace and peace to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we follow the sad news about what is happening in the Middle East with all the violence and hate, we continue to pray for a cessation of violence and may God bring peace. May the Church of Jesus Christ, both among the Arabs and Jews be used by God to be instruments of peace. True peace can only come from God as He is the Prince and Source of peace; the One who can change hearts and bring love for one another.


We are encouraged with the large number of Muslims who are coming to the Lord! I remember an amazing transformation story from several years ago about a young Muslim man in Gaza who was a fighter from a very large family. He was involved in many uprisings and was shot many times by Israeli soldiers and some members of his family were killed. He was in despair and searching and one day he was walking in the streets of Gaza and he noticed for the first time a tall steeple of a catholic church. He was drawn to go there and wanted to go inside but the priest asked him to leave as he didn’t want any trouble, so he went around and entered the cemetery beside the church. He read on a tomb the words of Jesus, “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). His spirit was quickened as that verse spoke volumes to him and stuck with him. Five years later he got ahold of a Bible and began to read and became a follower of Jesus. There are many believers in the Gaza strip from Muslim background and also there are many churches, and a Christian hospital and Christian schools who serve the refugees in Gaza. I have preached in all these places, including the hospital that was destroyed and a church that was bombed a few days ago wherein 18 people were killed. The loss of life on both sides is heartbreaking! For the believers there is always hope in the midst of chaos and God‘s purposes will prevail.


Light For All Nations is working on logistics at this time to help with humanitarian aid in Gaza through good organizations in the West Bank. If God puts it on your heart to donate, put “Aid” in the memo of your donation.


The good news this month is that from all over the Middle East and North Africa we have hundreds of Muslims coming to Christ. What amazes me is the miraculous manner in which they come to the Lord. Indeed the Spirit is moving and God is on the throne. He loves all people!


I hear a lot of Christians saying they are pro-Israel and other Christians saying they are pro-Palestine. I believe we should be pro-God and pro-people who are all created in God's image. This is a spiritual battle for Satan wants to kill and destroy both peoples but Jesus came to bring life and life in abundance (John 10:10). Oh Lord please bring unity, save lives and bring your peace!


Pray for me as I am focusing all the live shows this month toward speaking to these areas, and to bring messages of hope and salvation; pray for wisdom and to show the power of love and the heart of God for peace.

May the Lord bless you and make you an instrument of His peace.


In Christ’s love and service,


Nizar Shaheen




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